November 10, 2011

Friday Wrap-Up

Princeton on the look-out.
Hi furriends and Happy Friday! Prancer here. I thought you might enjoy this pic of the little rug-rat sittin on his hind feet in the window. He's watchin sumthin closely. Mebbe. Might be nuffin at all, too! Hahameow!

We wanted to remind efurryone there are lots of good items ofur at the auction fur Marg. You can visit the auction HERE.  (remember Christmas is on its way)

Anudder thing impawtant to us is the petition fur Jack the Cat's Law.  Jack was the kitteh lost by American Airlines that ultimately led to his death. You can visit and sign HERE.

We hopes efurrybody has a pawsome weekend and get sum snoozing in. REMEMBER - hug your kittehz today and purrs, ya'll.

Pee Ess - Thanks to all those who serve or haf served in the military-Happy Veteran's Day- whatefur country you're from.(mommy would furget her head if it weren't on her shoulders)


  1. Hi Princeton....what is so interesting out there.....can we see???=^Y^=

  2. My human signed he petition for Jack the Cat's Law a couple of days ago - she thinks it is very important to address this issue now, while it is still fresh in everyone's minds.

  3. Oh, we wonder what Princeton sees? Maybe a squirrel, or an invisible bug.

    Our mommy signed the petition a few days ago. We hope this becomes a law.

    Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew

  4. Awwww Princeton looks like he is pretending to be a meercat hee he. Have a great weekend :)xx

  5. That's a great photo...HEE HEE... have a super weekend.

    pawhugs, Max

  6. Maybe he caught something yummy to snack on. :-)

    Have a good weekend!

  7. Why Princeton! Sometimes bird TV is just irresistible! Also, while you are up there, you aren't bothering Prancer Pie, so that's a good thing!

  8. Hi really do have you paws full looking after and teaching the little rugrat! Give your photographer a high 5 for a good shot!!
    Thank you for the PSA...well said,
    Hugs Madi

  9. Wow! he looks like a meercat! Must be interesting. Yous guys has a great weekend!

  10. brilliant picture a little like a merecat.. We will remember them. Mum was a nurse in the army.. Hugs GJ xx

  11. Princeton, are you on patrol? Or are you looking at bird tv?

  12. Hey Prancer...we too like to do a little bird watching in our sunroom...we have a lot of leaves falling right now and the kitties were all excited this morning.

    My brother in law is in the Military and my father in law is a WW2 veteran and he has a lot of good war stories to tell. I need to video tape it. have a good day Prancer!!
    See Ya.....

  13. Wow! Lookz like lotz a fun happening ofur here..... don't mind if we come and hang owt fur awhile ^..^

    Larry here; It'z alwayz up to da Ladycat to decide.... sigh.... guess we'd better settle in cauze it lookz ike a lonnnggg wait ^..^

    Fankz fur stopping in and seeing us :) we "Join" you guyz too ^..^
    Headbuttz to All ~

  14. By da way.... Dat REALLY Sucks about Jack :((((((
    we go sign paperz!!
