November 26, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Preslee

This is my submission for Sunday Selfies.
This is what I do when the Dad person takes off jeans that he has been wearing in the woods.
They are so wonderful!
I like to sniff all the different smells and then roll on them!

I'm hopping with those adorable kittehz at THE CAT ON MY HEAD.
Come join the blog hop fun!

November 19, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Prudie

This is my submission for Sunday Selfies this week.
Mom says it's hard to tell which end is which, but if you look closely you can see one little
white foot sticking out.

There's a reason for this pose - fall has finally came to our little corner of Oklahoma!
We've abandoned the catio for the warmth of our cat beds and the warmth of the human's laps.
(I'm curled between the Mom's legs in this pic.)

Please join us with our sweet furriends over at THE CAT ON MY HEAD for
this week's Sunday Selfies.
(We promise it will be fun!)

Happy Sunday and purrs, y'all!

November 13, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Tusslin Selfie

We're here and we're late again!
The Mommy says she has a purrfectly good excuse this week.
Her phone broke.
She's off to get a new one today and we bet that means lots of new pics.

So this is our submission for Sunday Selfies this week.
Come join the Sunday Selfie blog hop with our sweet furriends at THE CAT ON MY HEAD.
Happy Sunday and purrs, y'all!

November 6, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Preslee

Hi furriends!  We're sliding in late (for us) for Sunday Selfies .
Dad captured this selfie for me.
I was being all adorable on the bed and I suggested he take a pic for my selfie.
We here in Oklahoma are still experiencing unusually warm temps and we kits are loving it!
I'm headed to the catio to catch some sun, but be sure and hop with our adorable furriends at 

Happu Sunday and purrs, ya'll!