May 31, 2014

Canton Or Bust

Without further ado kittehz, here's a little of Canton, TX:

 Band hats???

Probably the Trojan Horse.

Flowers (bougainvillea) 

More bougainvillea.

And more flowers.

Do we see a pattern here?

Mommy found this place even in the middle of a flea market.  
Sorry, no drinks served here, Mommy!

There were lots of woofies there.  Mommy put some lovin on this one.

This gentleman just piled everything on a wagon and brought it.
Have mercy.

She didn't eat here, but lots of humans were.

There is truly a little something for efurryone.

And just in case you couldn't see it above.

Mommy is sunburned and exhausted.  She's headed back to the flea market tomorrow.
Stoopid lady.

Happy Sunday kittehz.

Purrs, ya'll.

May 29, 2014

Flowers On Friday

 I'm not a flower, but I'm enjoying a little sunshine between showers this weekend.

 I managed to get some catio time today, too.  Despite Princeton's presence.

The Pink Knock Out roses are doing well.  They looked better before the rain.

Night was falling as Mommy snapped the Red Knock Out Roses.
(the solar lights clicked on just as she took this)

Happy Friday efurryone.

Mommy's going to try to post from Canton.
Keep your paws crossed.

Purrs, y'all.

May 28, 2014

Three Feet Of Purrsonal Space On Thursday


Go ahead - do it.  I know you're just dying to violate my purrsonal space.  (I've even displayed the paws of submission.)

Have a super Thursday and purrs, y'all.

May 27, 2014

Wordless Wednesday


Pee Ess - I think the thundershower going on right outside the windows contributed to the funky color of this pic.

May 26, 2014

Hot Tuxie Tuesday


PRECIOUS:  Yes, I know it's hot outside.  But, it still feels reallyyyyy good on top of the mini fridge.  The warmth helps loosen me up a tad.

THE MOMMY:  Harumph!  As if.

PRECIOUS:  So, you don't think I need loosening up?

THE MOMMY:  No, I don't.  Not after the way you just went rip snortin through the house.  I'm still picking up the remnants of that run.

PRECIOUS:  Go away Mommy, you're leaving bad juju around and it's bringin me down.
Happy Tuxie Tuesday to all you kittehz out there and remember: TUXIES RULE!  Purrs, ya'll.
::shakes it off and rolls over::   ZZzzzzzzz.

May 25, 2014

Mancat Monday Nip Mat



This is my BlogPaws Nip Mat made by Ms Stella's Mom.  Visit them HERE.
It is pawsome.
Every mancat and womancat needs one of these.  Mine is covered in my mancatly fur.
(prolly a little tuxie fur in there, too)


The good news is you can still get one of these wonderful nip mats
over at the auction for The Baby of Katnip Lounge.

Click HERE to visit the auction.

Ms Stella's most excellent human is also offering to sell them from her blog
and send half to The Baby's fund.

We love this!

Group hug efurrybody!

Have a wonderful Mancat Monday and purrs, ya'll!

Pee Ess - Seriouslies. You need one of these nip mats!

May 24, 2014

Easy Like Sunday

PRINCETON (feel free to kiss my handsome snooter)

I started my Easy Sunday on Caturday afternoon.  I wanted to get a prime snoozin spot.  Heh-heh.

Have an Easy Sunday furriends and purrs, ya'll.

May 23, 2014

Caturday Catastrophe




(Plans that didn't include my eyes being open.)

Sounds like my Caturday plans just changed.  Pfffffft!

Hope the rest of ya'll have a wonderful Caturday.

Purrs, ya'll.

May 22, 2014

Friday Selfie



A Little Tuxie On Thursday

By the pricking of my, er, claws

Something wicked this way comes.

Lock him in the house Mommy, whilst I enjoy the catio.


Happy Thursday efurrybody and purrs, y'all.

May 20, 2014

Wordless Wednesday


Thoughtful Tuxie On Tuesday


Some days are best spent in quiet contemplation in a sunny window.
 (blatantly ignoring the flashy box)

Happy Tuxie Tuesday and purrs, ya'll.  Remember:  TUXIES RULE!!!

May 19, 2014

Mancat Monday


Hi furriends!  I'm doing my best handsome mancat pose for this Mancat Monday.  I got furminated on Sunday and now I'm looking my best.  I love that furminator.  Mommy says that I get a little over-stimulated when she does it and I always end up biting her.  Whoops!

Thank you for all the sweet purrs and thoughts for my eye.  It does look better and Mommy is much relieved.

I hope all you kittehz (and humans) have a wonderful Monday.  Purrs, y'all.

May 17, 2014

Easy Sunday


Hello kittehz!  It's me, Precious, and I'm giving the update on this easy Sunday.  I haven't yakked anymore and Princeton is on the mend.   I've been able to observe him and the Mommy and it has been, what we Okies call, a "hoot".  Mommy has various scratches and toofie marks, Princeton has wounded pride, and the Daddy has missed it all by being out of town.  Lucky him.

Mommy says we're gonna have an easy Sunday even if it harelips the Pope.  (no offense to you cat'licks out there)  Sounds painful to me.  I think I will just spend it on my fur beddie under the lamp.  MOL!

Happy Easy Sunday, my furriends.  Purrs, ya'll.

Pee Ess - no new computer cord yet.

May 16, 2014

The No-Good, Horrible, Very Bad Day


Hi kittehz!  Friday was not very good to us.  The Mommy woke up with a bad headache.  Around noonish, she noticed my left eye was yukky.  She immediately fixed up a warm salt compress for it.  Let me just say that I put up a good fight that would make all of you kittehz out there in blogland, proud of me.  There was much screaming and gnashing of teefs (mine) and there was bloodshed (Mommy's).  (Mommy is A- if anybody wants to donate for round two...)
While torturing me applying it, Precious made some awful sounds and bomited a whole bunch of food.  Doodz, it was a lot.

I almost felt sorry for the Mommy.  Almost.

Mommy called the V-E-T and now I'm on an aunty-biotic until Tuesday at which point we will check in with the V-E-T again.

Precious seems fine and has ate and held it down.  Mommy doesn't know what caused her upset tummy.  She has never seen Precious sick before.  She's watching her like a hawk, though.

We're hoping for an uneventful, easy kind of Caturday.  We hope all our furriends have one, too.
Purrs, ya'll.

Pee Ess - we're still waiting on that new computer cord.  Mommy's typing with one hand and holding the cord together with the other.  MOL!

May 15, 2014

Third Time's A Charm

Yes, those are my bitey marks.  Yes, that is duct tape.  Yes, a new cord is on order.  Mommy says she might not be visiting our furriends much this weekend.

It's a good thing I'm really cute.

Happy Friday furriends and purrs, ya'll. - Princeton

May 14, 2014

Impawtant Mancat Bidness

Hmm, what's this?  Looks like this mancat has a job to do.


Mommy let me help "unpack" her suitcase from BlogPaws.  There was so much swag and yes, WAFFLES, that is two catbells you see!!  (Mommy really doesn't know how she got two)
There was lots of food, treats, toys, and even a water purifier.  I was busy for the better part of an hour rummaging sorting through it all!


I tell you it was enough to wear a kitteh out.  After a much-deserved treat, I had a bath and a little siesta.  This mancat has worked hard enough for one day!

Happy Thursday kittehz, and purrs, y'all.

May 12, 2014

Who's That Tuxie Tuesday


Stunning.  Beautiful.
So, who IS that tuxie?
To find out, go HERE.

Mommy says it was such a pleasure visiting their home
and came home smelling of their kittehz.
We'll forgive her this transgression just this once.
(Next time, there will be no mercy.  MOL!)

Happy Tuxie Tuesday!
Remember:  TUXIES RULE!

May 11, 2014

Winner Winner Chick-hen Dinner!

Weeeee're  Baaaaaack!  Mommy is home from Blog Paws and we hope things return to normal around here tomorrow.

But in the meantime, we have to tell you how we kittehz missed a purrfectly good chick-hen dinner.

When Mommy went through the TSA checkpoint at the Las Vegas airport, dinner was being served.  Well he still had his feathers and he could of used a little oven time, but there it was and she passed it up.  Pfffffffft!

She didn't even get an actual photo, either.  She claims that she was laughing too hard and crying tears out of her nose.

Last time she saw our chick-hen furriend, he was sitting atop a tall cabinet at the checkpoint with 10 TSA officers looking up at him.

We would have loved having him for dinner.  HahaMeow!

Happy Mancat Monday  and purrs, ya'll!

May 7, 2014

Throw-Back Thursday


Hi kittehz!  This is a pic of me from July of 2012.  I really think it showcases my pink nosie, beautiful eyes, and long luscious whiskers.  That's the reason I'm named Precious.  Mommy says it certainly wasn't from my purrsonality.  She says I've chillaxed a lot the last couple of years.
Good kibble and good lovin will do that for a kitteh.  Heh-heh.

Efurrybody have a wonderful Thursday!  Purrs, ya'll.

NOTE:  We won't be posting through BlogPaws, so we'll see you kittehz after we get back.  We'll definitely be posting by Monday.  

May 6, 2014

Weird Wednesday


NOTE:  The Mommy has been waiting for days to post this pic.  It makes her laugh everytime she sees it!  We hope ya'll enjoy it as much as her.

Happy Wednesday and purrs, ya'll.

May 5, 2014

Torpid Tuxie Tuesday

PRECIOUS  (taken through the window - again.)


Happy Tuxie Tuesday and remember:  US TUXIES RULE!!!   Purrs, ya'll.

May 4, 2014

A Mancat And His Meatloaf On Monday



Mommy is high gear here at our house.  She's gettin ready for that big Blog Paws trip to Vegas.  There's gonna be a meatloaf in the oven, with my name all over it.  I just love that stuff!  (she makes it out of ground turkey, kittehz!)  

Tomorrow, the dreaded suitcase will probably make an appearance, too.  Not to worry though, Daddy is gonna be workin from home and be with us while Mom is away.

I'll be in my catio if you need me for taste-testing, Mommy. 

 Happy Mancat Monday and purrs, ya'll.

May 3, 2014

Sunday In The Shade


Hi kittehz!  I'm coming to you from the catio.  We have a case of the "hots".   It's gonna be 90+ degrees fahrenheit today!  Soooo, the Mommy took my pic through the dirty window while I lounged in the shade,  (instead of running her big head through the cat flap again).  MOL!

Mommy can't believe our temperatures have rebounded like this.  Earlier last week, we were wearing jackets. (crazy Oklahoma weather)   We kittehz can't believe our good luck, it's purrfect catio weather.

We hope your Sunday is gonna be as easy as ours.  Purrs, ya'll!

May 2, 2014

Saturday's Simple Plan


It was a simple plan, really.  I was just gonna sneak up s-l-o-w-l-y to the side of the Mommy's easy chair and whap her.  (it was just gonna be a little whap, honestly)

I swear that woman has eyes in the back of her head and a camera ready!

My next plan is super simple:  Sleep, Eat, Sleep.

Happy Saturday , furriends.

Purrs, ya'll.

May 1, 2014

Fascist Friday

 We have sunshine and warmer temps today.  I have the coveted inside seat to look out through the catio.  Heh-heh.  Why would I even want to go outside???
I'm guarding the cat flap, just in case Precious wants to come out onto the catio.  MOL!

We hope all our furriends our having a great Friday.  Purrs, ya'll!

From The Mommy:  I get so tired of the "cat and mouse" games Princeton  plays with Precious.  He, of course, can't see her sitting at the other window.  He's just hoping he'll get to deny her passage to the catio.  AND don't even ask why there is duct tape on the cat window.  Princeton could tear up a rock.