Kittehz, I'm in hot water.
No, not literally.
Actually, I'm in the sink.
I'm in trouble over peeing in the other sink on the Dad's side of the bathroom.
Yes, I do.
I pee in one sink (Dad's) and nap in the other sink (Mom's).
Never the other way around.
Mommy doesn't understand why this is happening.
I still use my litterbox like a good boy.
I also have a pre-occupation with the faucet and the shower (while it's running).
Am I just a strange little kitten or should Mommy take a sample in to the vet?
Inquiring minds need to know.
Meanwhile, I'll be in the sink.
Happy Mancat Monday and purrs, y'all!
Pee Ess - we got snow yesterday! We kittens were transfixed on the catio!