February 4, 2012

Purrs N Purrayers Please

Hi furriends, Prancer Pier here.  We is askin efurrybody fur purrs, purrayers and pawsitive thoughts fur Poppy Vic, Maggy and Zoey's Daddy ofur at Zoolatry.  To visit them click HERE.  He is goin to the hospital to battle evil cancer again.  We is sure that Ann, Maggy and Zoey's Mom, would appreciate sum extra purrs, too.

We hopes all our furriends haf an easy Sunday. Purrs, ya'll.


  1. We went right over to send them good thoughts and purrs. Hope you all have an easy Sunday kitties full of good Superbowl hordervies!

  2. absolutely Prancer Pie. We have our purr motor on HIGH!

  3. Thanks for the heads up. We'll go right over!

  4. Thank you Prancer...we're on our way with purrs in tow.
    xo Katie

  5. Happy Sunday Prancer I hope you get to take lots of naps w/o the youngster bothering you.
    Hugs Madi

  6. We have been purring and purraying for Daddy Vic.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. we send our love and purrs..... in abundance... Love Helen, Darcy and Bingley xxx

  8. I am purring loud as can be for Poppy Vic and hope he can beat this thing... Hugs GJ xx

  9. Oh no that is so sad. PUUURRRSSS and PPRRAAAAYYYYEEERRRSSS! xo
