February 28, 2012

Terrible Tuxie Tuesday

Hi ya'll.  Guess what?  It's Tuxie Tuesday again, wif me, your hostess, Precious!  Well kittehz, I haf had LOTS of luck wreaking havoc around the house.  But let me start by sayin, I left Mom 2 pee-mails this week, a turd, a bloody appendage, a bleeding brofur, and I tore up a few odds and ends around the house. It's a good start, but there's lots more work to be done. On the other paw, Princess made a soft doody in the litter box, stepped in it, then tracked it through the house! * (ROFLMTBO)  Mommy caught her at the food bowl and washed her paw and dried it while she was eatin her FF!  That girl is dedicated to her stinky goodness!  Remember furriends,  TUXIES RULE!!!   Purrs, ya'll.

*Rollin on floor laffin my tuxie bum off

Pee Ess - Mommy here, we'll check again to make sure Precious doesn't haf any healthy issues, but we really think it's just behavioral.  She's our prodigal child, just pick her up, kiss her head, clean up the mess and send her off to play. She's awful, but we love her. :)


  1. Sounds like you're giving your mum a run for her money this week, Precious! It's cool, though, Kite is our temperamental girl. She peed on mummy this week then clawed her, then tracked poo on her bed...

    So... we get it!

  2. Precious, I think you may even be worse than Binga! And that is saying a lot.

  3. OMC Precious and Princess. Are you two lovely ladies trying to make it known that you are top cats over the boys?
    It appears that my man Prancer is the best behave out of 4 or is he just better at hiding his transgressions!!??
    Hugs Madi

  4. OH Precious! I have learned a LOT from you. I have my peemail issues by aiming wrong and standing sideways in my toilet! And, I frow up my meals..I have lots to learn from you. xoxox

  5. MOL silly Princess! What a story!
    HEy,Precious...love your purrfect stop near the window, so wonderful sunlight!Enjoy!
    Luna - WE LOVE LUNA

  6. Pee-mails! Precious, you make me fall over laughing!

  7. My goodness you're keeping your mommy busy. I never knew before that that was what it was called... pee-mail. Good to know it's a real and proper thing with a real and proper name. THANKS!

  8. And it's only TUESDAY! Five more days to raise the roof. Bliss.

  9. We haven't done any pee mails but someone has pooped outside the box and Mum trod in it - we learned some new naughty words!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  10. Precious, are you sure you're not the Cat from Hell?? ;)

  11. Truffle tends to have poop stuck to her backside almost daily.

    Truffle and Brulee

  12. Oh Precious!!! ^..^ Holy Cod !!!

    We thinkz your mom iz tired :(

    1 ov you, soundz like 3 ov us ^..^ H E double hockey stix,,, you got us beat!^..^ You Queen ov Purpose!
    Purrrz Precious ♥♥♥ xoxo

  13. Heee! Heee! Yous is a great Cat From Hell!
