January 25, 2013

Caturday Contempt

Hi furriends, Prancer Pie here.  Happy Caturday!  Mommy (cod luf her)  is finally getting around to posting that we got an award from the great NERISSA.  Thank you to them for thinking of us.  We love visiting Nerissa and we follow them on Facebook also.   Be sure to stop by and visit them.    We have another award that we need to post also, but the laptop is acting up.  (mommy is worried bout it - she doesn't have a backup laptop)

Well furriends, this Caturday will probably be spent UTB again.  The installation man for our inside shutters will be here in the a.m.  None of us kittehz (or Chi Chi) will be very happy.  This is my sentiment:
Prancer Pie's Back Of Disrespect.
I hope everybody else has a great Caturday.  Purrs, y'all.


  1. Dear Prancer,

    Congratulations on your award! I think your person should give you something to celebrate... like fish, perhaps?


  2. So when ya all are under the bed do you bring things with you to pass the time?

  3. Concatulations on your award... but man! Those worker humans are the WORST part of moving into a new house, aren't they?

  4. Woof! Woof! Just enjoy your Caturday on bed. The installation man for sure will finish early. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  5. Congratulations on the award!
    Ut oh, back of disrespect for installation man!

  6. Congrats on the nice award! I hope you all are out from UTB by now!

  7. Our pawrents have been thinking about inside shutters too! Stay safe, UTB=^Y^=

  8. Big conCatulations, so the blind mans coming..BOL xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  9. Lousy workermanpeople...can't they just do their think instantly AND invisibly?


  10. Poor Prancer and sibs... I absolutely hate repairmen too they smell funny
    Hugs madi your BFFF

  11. Congrats on your 'ward... that workman scareified Miss Kitty...I 'tack him boots...I don't like...meow!

  12. I sorry Prancer Pie....I'm Miss Kitty I got upset and did'nt finish comment...I want to join/follow yu' blog now...will you come visit me and join/follow me...I want yu'to be my frriend? Mummy says to say Thank You to your Mum. My blog is: http://shespoketome.blogspot.com

    Lots of Purrs & Hugs,
    Miss Kitty & Mum

  13. We hope that installation man was quick in putting in those shutters! We hate when strange worker guys come in to our house, too. Congrats on that cool award.

  14. Bet those indoor shutters are going to be fun once they're installed.

  15. I really don't think the Humans should be allowed to let introodurs in without obtaining our permission, which we will grant on a case-by-case basis.

    That seems reasonable, doesn't it?

  16. oh we TOTALLY unnerstand the need to show contempt. Seriouslies. how do they expect us to conduct a decent Caturday when the house is in TOTAL disarray? (oh you should SEE ours *shudder* REFINISHING FLOORS? This was NOT an Approved Project. No, not at all. Hrmpf.)

  17. So very glad you like your award. You totally deserve it! purrs
