Kittehz! Let me tell you what a terrible day Monday was.
::slaps kitteh paw to forehead dramatically::
It all started early in the morning. (before breakfast!)
We were snuggled in and the electricity went off.
This caused the smoke/fire alarms to shriek unabatedly beep twice.
The temp quickly dipped below our required 70 degrees (F).
We clung to each other for body heat, waiting together for the bitter end,
huddled under the bed hissing and growling at each other.
Many hours later about an hour later, the repairman arrived.
Seems that we had a bird fly into our power line and interrupted our service.
The repairman took a long pole and removed what was left of the bird
and restored our service elebenty hour later promptly.
We didn't even get to sniff the remaining fried bird.
Mommy spent the remainder of the morning trying to "smooth our ruffled feathers".
I'm taking my tiny tiara off my darling tuxie head and going to spend all day in the bed, recuperating.
That's how this TUXIE RULES!
Happy Tuxie Tuesday and purrs, y'all.