March 31, 2016

Dreaded Friday


I've been busted, kittehz.
I was hiding under the blanket, but Dad found me out.
I was actually waiting for Mommy.
She and I have a hot date with this bed.
I'm sorry to have to say that she finally has to have surgery today.
She has struggled with her old injury for years.
No, it's not her leg.  It's where she sits - it's her tailbone!
Mommy can hardly sit or ride in the car anymore and so it has come time to fix it.
The doctors will patch her up and I will see to her needs - you know, like bringing her toys in bed,
making "biscuits" on her and giving her lots of kitteh kisses.
She will be well in a snap. (actually Mommy will be out of commission for about 8 weeks.)
We hope to get some great blogging fodder out of this, 
but we're not sure how Mommy feels about that...

I hope efurrybody has a great Friday!
Purrs, y'all.

March 29, 2016

Tuesday Telling


Today is a time for sadness and remembering at our house.
One of our outside doggies, RailRoad, went across his Rainbow Bridge Monday morning.
He passed at home cradled in the Dad's arms.
He was our sweet, but obstinate doxie.
Our rescue from the railroad tracks. (hence his name)
He had a broken hip and Mommy called him to our car and the rest was history.
He was lucky that the hip healed without surgery, but his luck was short-lived.
Shortly thereafter he was diagnosed with epilepsy.  He took two pills twice a day for nearly 10 years.
Mommy always made sure she spent time with the outside doggies every day
and that they always had an air-conditioned and heated room with a doggy door.
Yes, RailRoad had a pampered life.

When we think of RailRoad, we will always remember his zest for life, hatred of cattle,  his passion for squeaky toys, and the love of a good meal.
We think the quote that best describes him is "live every day like someone left the gate open".

Sending out lots of  love and wet nose kisses to our furriends.
Happy Tuesday and purrs, y'all.

March 27, 2016

Shared Sunday Selfie - Princeton & Prudie

The truth is that I did not plan to share my selfie with Prudie this week, 
but the innernets have been very intermittent at our house,
so we had to use a pic that was already uploaded.

 I'm using a pic that was snapped last week whilst lazing on the catio with Prudie.
We hope efurrybody has a great Easter Sunday and remember to keep those lilies 
away from us furbabies.

We are gonna try to link up with our talented furriends over at THE CAT ON MY HEAD.
Happy Sunday efurrybody and purrs, y'all!

March 25, 2016

Caturday's Low-Down Dirty Shame

Hi kittehz, did you miss us?
The high winds and storms that blew through Oklahoma left us with.....
no internets!!!
We were able to keep up a little through Mommy's frequent coffee house stops
and her iphone.

In other mews...our new Pet Sense store opened!  We are so excited to have a local
pet chain supply store right in town.
Mommy hopped right on down there yesterday cuz she had a great coupon
that was "burning a hole in her pocket".  Heh-heh.
So Mommy got the "granddogs" a new toy, Chi Chi a new toy, and we got...
wait for it...
new kitteh boxes.
We were less than thrilled.
She then produced a new toy which Preslee promptly ran off with.
She didn't even get a pic of it.  

We are hoping for better results from the next trip.
In the mean time, have a great Caturday.
Purrs, y'all.

March 22, 2016

Tuneful Tuxie Tuesday

Hi kittehz!
You caught me mid-song.  I'm just hanging out in the corner of the catio today
watchin the wind blow the grass.
It is very windy here today and I especially enjoy watching the birdies struggle to fly.

Tell me what's goin on in your corner of the world this Tuxie Tuesday
and remember:  US TUXIES RULE!!

Have a great day and purrs, y'all.


March 19, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Preslee

Hi kittehz!
The Mommy whined until I finally relented for a selfie.
We have very few good pics of me as I am much too busy with catio duties, zoomies, and opening cabinet doors to stop for selfies!
(I know some of you kits out there know what I mean...)

We are joining with our furriends over at THE CAT ON MY HEAD
for their always entertaining Sunday Selfie blog hop.
Come join the fun and have a great Sunday!

March 18, 2016

Scented Saturday

Ohh, something smells right here on the catio!

Eww, I don't think I liked it.

You go ahead and sniff it, Prudie.

I think your nose smells like it, Princeton!
Let me give it a little lick to see...

Mom, you did not see that... right?

The blog is NOT the place to be sharing that photo, either!!

March 14, 2016

Alfresco Tuxie Tuesday


The storms are gone and the hots are here!
We tuxie girls are gonna take full advantage of the nice weather by spending time on the catio.
No bug, weed or dust bunny will be spared!

Hope ya'll are having a great Tuxie Tuesday, too.
Just remember:  TUXIES RULE!!!

Purrs, ya'll.

March 12, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Prudie

I tried to capture a good selfie of me chewing on the Mommy's pink 
earbud cord, but she caught me in the act.
Oh well, at least you can get a good look at my long, white whiskers.

Meanwhile, we are hopping with our sweet furriends over at THE CAT ON MY HEAD.
Come join the Selfie Sunday fun!

March 11, 2016

Camera Ready Caturday

Mommy, you need to give me more notice before
you snap a photo!
I can't always be camera-ready!

There.  That is much better.

Happy Caturday efurrybody!
Purrs, y'all.

March 8, 2016

Wordless Wednesday


Tuxie Tuesday

Happy Tuxie Tuesday kittehz!
I'm spending my Tuesday in the cat tree.
The weather forecasters guessers say we will have 6 straight days of rain. Pffft!
Our next post may show us building an ark.  MOL!

Just remember:  US TUXIES RULE!!!
Happy Tuesday and purrs, y'all.

March 5, 2016

Sunday Selfie - Precious

Here's a purrfect Sunday Selfie from me to ya'll.
Please enjoy my long white whiskers at your own leisure.

We're teaming up with THE CAT ON MY HEAD kittehz for some serious Sunday Selfie fun.
Happy Sunday and purrs, ya'll!

March 4, 2016

Saturday's Squatter

Yes, this perch belongs to Precious,
but she doesn't scare me.
Besides, possession is nine-tenths the law.

Happy Saturday efurrybody and purrs, y'all!

March 3, 2016

Toe Pickin' Throwback Thursday

Angel Prancer Pie sure knew how to give his toesies a good pickin, didn't he??

Efurrybody have a great Thursday and purrs, y'all!!!