July 14, 2011

Belly Laff

 You like my bellah?
Hello furriends! My mom just snapped this pic of me. She says i haf no inhibitions. Whatever that is. Than she snorgled me haf to death!

Friday Furcast:  Guess what! We had a SMALL rain shower overnight Wed! Then we had about 24 hrs of 90 F temps. MUCH cooler, kittehz! Unfortunately, it's back to the triple digits for the next week.

Well, it's back to the tile floor fur me. Thanks fur all the great comments this week, you guyz are just great! Purrs, ya'll.


  1. Ha ha ha! Kittehs have no need for inhibitions (though I do see you are somewhat using modesty tail there).

    You can come visit me anytime for some nice fog! Our days have been averaging in the low 60s!

  2. While we all are glad to have tiles when it gets hot, it does not mean any of us kitties like Tile Weather!

  3. Great pose! We love it!
    All right, send some of the heat my way. I am half frozen - it's under 50F during the day and less at night.

  4. What a great picture. #1 says she would have done exactly the same as your Mom!

    The Chans

  5. Love that pic! We're finally getting some cool temps in the mid 80s for just a few days!

  6. At least you used your Tail of Modesty!

  7. You look totally chillaxed! The rain is good for a day, but you sure pay for it after that, huh?? Have a great weekend!

  8. Totally relaxed! That's the way it should be.
    Too bad she doesn't respect your space, but then a good snorgle starts the day off right!

  9. Moms just can't help themselves. They see furry tummies and just go for it.

  10. WE all think you look greatly relaxed and that is good! Glad to hear it got cooler for you. WE had some of that rain and it was cooler here too.

  11. That "casual" pose seems ta be a mancat thing. Marley does it too. We would never dare (though Iza does lose track of her positions when deeply asleep).

    Ayla and Iza

  12. At least you have your tail strategically placed.

  13. WHAT IS IT WITH HUMANS AND THEIR LOVE OF OUR BELLEHS???? Mom is squealin' like crazy looking at your tummy picture. WHY do they do that? I mean hey!, we all have tummies so WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL?? Mom just keeps saying that she wants to snorgle your tum and since you aren't here, who gets their tum snorgled? ME!! Well, I do have to say that I don't mind too much...well, not at all...actually, I'm really kinda liking it. So, in fact, I guess I should be THANKING YOU for showing the world your tum...like that all us other cats get just that many more snorgls!! haha!! I'll return the favour for you one of these days!! Promise! Purrs, Lautrec (and Tiny and Ellwood) (DaBadCats and DaMeenDawg)
