August 31, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Precious helping Mom sort through her purchases.
Happy Thursday, kittehz! Prancer here sharing sum pics of Precious helping Mom unwrap her shopping. We luf shopping day (who are we kidding? efurryday is shopping day fur Mom) here at the house. There are so many whiffies and good things that come from the stores! Sum times Mom brings rotisserie chick-hen from the supermarket. That makes us wild! Other times, it's our stinky goodness and we can pick it out from a dozen sacks on the countertop. I luf it when Mom brings home leafy greens. I like to nom on them before she can get them to the fridge. This week was birthday week fur the sis bean and the niece bean. You know what that means kittehz? Wrapping paper, tissue paper, bows, and gift bags! Yay! It's like a little piece of heaven! That's what the sisfur is doing in the above photos. Snoopervising gifts. Well, gotta go, it's time to start putting together the furcast for Friday. Which reminds me, purrs and purrayers fur our furriends in Texas and Oklahoma, as they are having trouble with wildfires and many homes haf been lost. We are still purring fur those affected by Irene, too.  Purrs, ya'll

August 29, 2011

Tuxie Tuesday From The Confessional

Sumbody hiding in the confessional.

Hi! It's me ya'll!
Happy Tuesday! Precious here, doing the blog from the confessional. Now, ya'll know that's what the beans call my kitty cube, cuz, when i was younger, i would run in there after i did sumthing very naughty. Nowadays, I lay in wait, fur sum poor, unsuspecting soul or kitteh to walk by. Then, I strike, with lightning speed! My cube has all sorts of holes in it from all my kills. It's been to heck and back, furriends.  Today,  i'm not really needin to confess to any particular naughtiness......yet. I see Princess comin down the hall...gotta go. See ya later, gator.

August 28, 2011

Mancat Monday-Throwin In The Towel

UPDATE:  I have removed our blogroll. Please email me and let me know if this fixed the problem. Thanks.
The part i forgot to pull in.

This is my speshul spot.
Happy Monday, furriends! Prancer here. So far, we thinks efurrybody we know is ok after that dreaded Irene. Thank cod.

Mommy tried for 6 hrs to fold towels on Sunday. But efurrytime she would try, i ran and tunneled into them. She doesn't haf the heart to toss me out of them. Heeheemeow. She finally got them folded during my dinner time. So not fair. The way I see it, I kept her from working herself too hard. Happy Monday efurryone! Purrs, ya'll.

August 27, 2011

Just a Little Laff

Loooooong body, little head. Hahameow!
Hello furriends, Prancer here. Mom saved this pic of me cuz she thought it was funny. My body is really, really, long and my head looks tiny. She said it looks like a carnival "Fun House" mirror. I've really nefur thought of our house as fun, but mebbe a carnival. MOL! Anyways, we thought a little humor would be good fur efurryone. Mom got this pic by setting the camera on my *ahem* hind quarters. Dad came in and found us both on the floor this way. You shoulda seen his face!  By the way, we're still purring fur our furriends affected by Irene. Purrs, ya'll and Happy Sunday!

August 26, 2011


"Get in my bellah, now!"
Hi kittehz! It's me, Precious! All's forgiven here at the house, cuz mom restocked the FF  and has been givin me sum extra attenshuns and treats. We're takin it easy at our house this weekend and gonna watch the news and weathers. Irene is makin alot of people very nervous as it makes landfall. Please take a moment and purr fur our furriends affected by this terrible storm.

Don't forget the Petties were announced and our very own SPARKLE, THE DESIGNER CAT,and CATSPARELLA were winners! Concats to them!

August 25, 2011

Friday Furcast

Prancer checking on Irene's path.
Hello furriends, Prancer here! Furst, lemme say a big THANK YOU to efurrybody purring fur the AC. One motor later, it's working again! Yay! I'll be the furst to say that i luf my mommy, but, she's an easier purrson to luf, with a working AC. Cod luf her.

Second, I'm checking out this hurricane prediction path, and in my purrfeshional opinion, i think efurrybody on the east coast should throw the FF and Temptashuns in a bag and head out. Really, furriends, nothing is as impawtant as the safety of your luffed ones. So all ya'll be safe and if you stay home, make sure there's plenty of water, food, and litter. Fur the beans, too. Purrs, ya'll.

August 24, 2011

Thoroughly Mad Thursday

See my little spot where the curtain is pushed back?
Thank Cod, it's Thursday and this week is almost over! I, Precious haf been seriously neglected this week.  I didn't get my Tuxie Tuesday and Mom's busy making sure efurryone is cool and watered, ignoring me .We haf been wifout AC fur 24 hrs now and it will be another 12-16 hrs before the new motor is installed. It's bad, but Mom says we're on the downhill side now. I just want Mom to sit in her easy chair with the blanket and let me snuggle on her. Is that so much to ask?  And now, Prancer just yakked and Mom jumped up to go check on him and clean up! Humph! He did that on purpose, i'm sure.  I'm going to my confessional (cube) to sulk. See you kittehz later.

August 23, 2011

Wordy Wednesday or How My Mommy Lost Her Religion

This is my pensive look.
Hello furriends, Prancer here.  This has been one hard week. Sum of our furriends on the east coast experienced an earthquake today! Sadly, little Beignet has runned off fur the Rainbow Bridge too. Please send mom Paula at Sweet Purrfections your purrs.  Our puter is still down and now the AC has quit. This is where Mommy said sum really ugly things that don't bear repeating. It's still in the triple digits so the AC man is SUPPOSED to come ASAP in the morning. We are sending our luv to efurryone out there affected by the events of this week. Be sure to hug your furbabies today. Luv, Prancer Pie. Purrs, ya'll.

Pee Ess - Mommy says she's sorry she said ugly things earlier today. ( i luf that gal)

August 22, 2011

Cat Talk Time

We thought this pic just screamed MOL or HAHAHAMEOW!  Sorry, it's kinda small, but we're still operating off of a different puter. Mom wasn't really feeling this, as, Miss Peach just left fur the bridge, and Sweet Purrfection's Beignet has cancer. We hopes efurrybody is sending them purrs and purrayers right now. We are sending pawsitive thoughts and whisker kisses to all our furriends today. XOXO 

August 21, 2011

Will You Accept This Rose? - Mancat Monday

Hi furriends! This one here is fur all the beyootiful ladeez out there- you know who you are. I am sending this rose as a gesture of my affekshun. Purrs, ya'll.

August 20, 2011

Two Outta Three Ain't Bad

Prancer sacked out.

Princess getting her beauty rest.
Hi furriends, Prancer here! Happy Sunday! Mom caught two of us catching some zzzz's. Precious couldn't be found. Mom's laptop crashed and now she's using her old puter. Good thing we had a few pics stored! Hopefully, we 'll be back to normal, but fur now, we might not get much visiting in. We hopes efurryone of our furriends has a purrfect weekend. Purrs, ya'll.

August 19, 2011

Caturday Cat Nappin

Me sleeping peacefully. (minding my own business)

Sweet sleeping me.(still minding my own business)

Finally woken up. (rudely)
 Hello furriends, Prancer here! Nappin away on Caturday. Mom still workin that cod-forsaken flashy box overtime. Do you like my little paw-pad and one claw hanging out? My mommy is CRAZY fur little paws. She likes to "bite" our little ears too! While we're havin this conversation, she kisses our noses and scratches between our toes! She probably knows the bottom of my paw like the back of her hand. Sumtimes a mancat just needs to go off by himself and catch a few zzzzz's. I'm gonna try really hard to get sum rest today. Wish me luck! Purrs, ya'll

August 18, 2011

Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer

Rudely awakened from my beauty nap!

I'm in charge of the Friday Furcast today. Cod, it's hot. We had a short break last week and got a couple of inches of rain. Yay! Now, the hots haf returned with a vengeance! Triple digits fur the next 7 days! What's a kitteh to do? Sleep thru it, I say.  Now, I leave you with the famous lyrics of Nat King Cole:
Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, those days of soda and pretzels and beer. Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer, dust off the sun and moon and sing a song of cheer. Stay cool kittehs! Smooches.

August 17, 2011

Hypnotic Thursday

Hypnotic Prancer.
Look into mine eyes, vewy carefully, you will doooo wat i say.....Huffle Mawson, Explorer Cat is hafin a commentathon to benefit the Royal Society of Prevention  of Cruelty to Animals in Victoria.  You need to go to their site and leave a comment. Next, go to Helping Our Needy Furiends, where they are hafin an auction to benefit SAS....Sammy, Andy, and Shelley, our furriends who are going thru difficult times. They haf alot  great stuff ofur there and it's alot of fun to bid against efurrybody! Now, onto to mommy, gif me more noms and a great  deal more attenshun. There, that should cover it. Purrs, ya'll.

August 15, 2011

Tuxie Tuesday - Miffed

Precious in the kitchen looking miffed.
Precious looking regal and....miffed.

Up close and from the side. Miffed.

Barely concealing it. But, definitedly miffed.
Well, it's Tuxie Tuesday again and you know what that means! (trumpets sounding here) It's me, Precious! The mom has decided that in every single picture of me, i look miffed. If you're confused, let me help you  - miff  (mf)
1. A petulant, bad-tempered mood; a huff.
2. A petty quarrel or argument; a tiff.
tr.v. miffed, miff·ing, miffs
To cause to become offended or annoyed.

Then the mom said sumthing about hitting the nail on the head, whatefur that means. I like that word, Petulant, I think it sounds good with my name. Petulant Precious. What do you guyz think? Kiss, kiss, hug, hug, and all that carp. B-bye.

August 14, 2011

Mancat Monday and the Purple Baby

Prancer and his baby.
Prancer bunny-kickin his baby.
Hello furriends, Prancer here! What a great weekend rest!  Being Mancat Monday, I wanted to show efurrybody my purple baby and how manly I look wif it.  It has nip in it! I luv it, lick it, then I fight it! My purple baby is great! It's my very favorite toy. (right now) Of course, I still lufs milk rings! They are my "go to" toys. Always there in a pinch. What about you? What is your favorite toy right now?  Happy Monday efurryone! Purrs, ya'll

August 13, 2011

Easy Like Sunday

Snoozin away.
Hello furriends! This is an old pic, but clearly shows what is happening this weekend. This is a classic nappin pose. This  is obtained by flopping onto side, curling into fetal position, and placing paw ofur eyes, effectively blocking out all light (or flashy box). For added cuteness, curl toes  and make soft moaning noises. Gets em efurry time. Purrs ya'll.

August 12, 2011

Caturday Smile

Princess' smug mug.
 Hi ya'll! Princess guest posting fur Caturday! I'm all smiles cuz the mom, dad, and sister bean are all home this weekend. That's just the way this kitteh likes it! We're planning snugglin, snoozin, scritches, and noms. Hope efurrybody has a pawsome Saturday. Smooches!

August 11, 2011

Friday Furcast - Rain!

Look what Mom found! A puddle!

Prancer lookin out after the rainfall.

Precious enjoying her time at the front door, too.
 Hello furriends! It's time fur the Friday Furcast! We are very excited because as we mentioned earlier this week, the weather pattern finally broke! It was 77 degrees Fahrenheit today! It felt chilly to us! We've had rain showers the last three days! The next week, we are not SUPPOSED to haf any days over 100!  ( As you can see, the wind blew the rain on the glass door and dirtied it up.)  We know we've moaned and groaned about our situation, but there are people who are in worse shape than we are. Many west Texas towns haf completely dried up. These people need our purrs and purrayers!

We hopes efurrybody has a safe and happy weekend. We'll spend ours friskin and tusslin. Purrs, ya'll.

August 10, 2011

Thursday Throw-Down

Hello furriends, Prancer here! You know the best place to tussle? In the kitchen between the stove and refrigerator while mom is trying to prepare dinner!  You know what they say, "the heart of the home is in the kitchen"!  When she saw we wouldn't stop tusslin, she brought out the big guns - the flashy box.
Well, we all know the rest of that story. Tussle ofur.  Princess-1 Prancer-0

In udder news, the heat wave broke! Yay! We haf had two showers, one dropped 1/2 inch of rain. The temps haf dropped to the mid-90s (fahrenheit), about 10 degrees! We all feel so much  better. (see above tussle) Purrs, ya'll.

August 8, 2011

Tortie Tuesday

Why do birds appear efurrytime you are near?

Just like me,

They long to be,

Close to you!!!
Princess guest posting here, channelling Karen Carpenter's song, "Close To You". That's how I feel bout Mom. She says if I get any closer, i'll be behind her! MOL! I haf to lay on Mom about 5 times a day. If anybody else gets on her, i haf to lay on her as soon as they get up. (to get their smell off and mine back on) Hope efurrybody has a purrfect Tuesday! Smooches.

August 7, 2011

Mancat Monday or Faux Fitness

Hello furriends, Prancer here! If I stretch out reaaaaallly long it looks like i am slim n trim. (It's actually all on the other side!)  I was actually posing fur mom this time and sumbody (Precious) got their ear in the way! My mommy (cod luf her) forgotted about world cat day. But, we still wanna say Happy World Cat Day to all our good furriends! Purrs, ya'll

August 6, 2011

Side Pics Sunday

Hello, furriends, Prancer Pie here! Well, we still haf the hots. Nobody's movin around much, except Precious. Here's the week's rundown. 2 (TWO!) trips up the shades and ofur to the mantel, 1 screamin, carpet-rippin, run down the hall-way, 3 piles of poo arranged just so, OUTSIDE the litter pan, and 1 hard, bitey delivered to mommy's armpit (ouch!). Mommy says she has the sweetest face and can be very lovable (whatefur) when she wants.

In udder news, we had chick-hen today and we all got a taste. Nommy! We hopes efurrybody has a good Sunday!  Purrs, ya'll.

August 5, 2011

Caturday Climb

Woo-Hoo! I'm on top of the world!
Ha-ha, Prancer, you can't get up here!

Princess, you can't reach me, either.

Mom! I didn't know you were watching!

Hi efurrybody, Precious guest posting, today! I guess i'm busted again! Mom caught me climbing the shades to get on the mantel. It is a big no-no at our house to use your claws to climb curtains and shades. Mom's pretty strict on that one. I know better, but i can't resist that mantel! Luckily, i'm still able to pull myself up using only my claws. But, if i get any bigger, i won't be able to! Our mantel is about 5 and 1/2 feet off the ground, so it's a good height to swat at the mom and dad. Problem is, i can't get down. Mom put the cat tree near, so i would haf sumplace to jump off. Thanks MOM! Well, i'm off to rip up sumthing! Ya'll haf a good one!